LTP is reviving furniture classics with 3D scanning
In LTP Furniture, we have invested a lot into our Development Accelerator concept to better our time to market for new products while reducing testing loops and material waste.
A part of our Development Accelerator is the new 3D scanner that enables us to create reverse engineering for, e.g., furniture classics.
The scanner can capture tricky & rounded shapes, it can provide precise measurements, and minimizes manual work.
If you don't have a drawing of your old classics, LTP can reverse engineer your product with our 3D scanner and, afterward, optimize your design in our 3D software. In this software, we can do smart cover & frame construction engineering, which includes a fabric & component library, and in that way, we can create a precise analysis of style, pattern & stretch control.
In the end, you can choose from different-priced furniture components to finalize the revival of your classic piece of furniture. Do you want to know more about your furniture development opportunities? Contact us here.
About LTP Group A/S
LTP Group A/S is a privately Danish-owned company consisting of two divisions: LTP Garment and LTP Furniture. From 12 privately owned factories in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Vietnam, Romania, and Mexico, we produce clothing and furniture for more than 100 recognized brands worldwide. LTP's head office is in Copenhagen, Denmark. LTP Group A/S was established in 1991 and now employs 2,700+ dedicated employees and has a turnover of 100+ million EUR with solid financial results.