LTP Annual Sustainability Performance Report 2023

May 2024

Exciting News! We're launching our 2023 Sustainability Performance Report!

We are thrilled to highlight our unwavering commitment to sustainability, resilience, and innovation. Despite the challenging geopolitical and economic landscape, LTP Group has made significant strides in several key areas.

We continuously enhance our sustainability approach to effectively manage the environmental and social impacts throughout our value chain, while also addressing the needs of our stakeholders.

Thank you for reading the full report and learn more about our progress and future goals!

Check out  some of our key achievements here:


🔋Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Achieved a 13% reduction in overall energy use, with renewable energy now making up 11.3% of our total consumption- more than double last year's share​​.


🌍 Fight for Climate: By utilizing own solar panels on the roof of our main furniture facility in Lithuania, and by acquiring renewable electricity covered by guarantees of origin, we significantly reduced our carbon footprint.

Our efforts resulted in a 21% decrease in non-renewable energy use and a 49%increase in renewable energy usage​​.
LTP Group has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement with Green Genius supplying renewable electricity for our main production site in Kedainiai, Lithuania. The solar park became operational in February 2024.


👥Social Impact: We continue to prioritize the well-being of our employees, with a focus on health, safety, and skill development. Our initiatives in diversity, inclusion, and equitable pay are central to our social responsibility​​.


📈 Governance & Transparency: Our enhanced compliance program and stakeholder engagement strategies ensure responsible business conduct. We have expanded our certification initiatives, including achieving the FSLM Higg Index verification in Vietnam and FSC certification in Mexico.